May 2014 Newsletter

Dear fellow KASTRO members,

This newsletter is meant to keep us all up to date periodically on KASTRO. We hope to send it out biannually, about a month before ASTRO and then once in the wintertime around February. Remember that we also have a Facebook account (detailed below) that you all are welcome to join.

KASTRO dinner meeting

The annual KASTRO dinner is set for Tues 9/16/14 at

Fang Restaurant
660 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone (415)777-8568 Fax (415)777-8580

Tentative Schedule of events (subject to change): 

5pm                 Board meeting  
630-7 pm         Guests arrive
7pm                 Guests seated
730 pm            Dinner and program   

Menu is an 8 course meal:
Fried pork postickers, served w/ chili peanut sauce
Kabocha Pumpkin Soup with Ginger Pork Meatballs
Prawns Steamed Vegetable Dumplings with sesame sauce
5 Spice Whitefish, served w/ Jade spinach salad and sweet peppers
Crispy Shortrib with bok choy
Fragrant Sauteed Chicken with Peppers Garlic Peashoots
Steamed white rice
Sesame apple crisp
(cash bar) 

Please RSVP. And many thanks to Sara for all her work setting this dinner up. 

KASTRO Travel Awards 

We would like to invite submissions of abstracts for KASTRO’s annual US resident/fellow/junior travel award to ASTRO/KASTRO 2014. 

  • The travel award to the ASTRO 2014 meeting will be $1000 towards travel expenses and a certificate. The recipient will present the abstract at the KASTRO dinner meeting on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 6pm.

  • Eligibility for Travel award to ASTRO and KASTRO: A resident or fellow of Korean ancestry currently in a radiation oncology training program in the U.S.A. Those who completed training before 6/30/14 are still eligible, if the work was done during the residency or fellowship program. The abstract should have been accepted for presentation (oral or poster) at this year’s ASTRO or submitted to RSNA meeting (pending review) and the applicant should be the first author.

  • Please email the abstract submission by Friday June 6th, 2014 to Sara Kim . The award recipients will be notified by Friday June 20, 2014. Please circulate this email to other Korean American radiation oncologists you may know and also encourage them to join KASTRO. 

KOSRO Travel Awards

We would like to invite submissions of abstracts for KASTRO's annual US resident/fellow/junior attending travel award to Seoul, Korea for the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (KOSRO) meeting on October 16 and 17, 2014.  KOSRO's website is  

  • The travel award to the KOSRO meeting will be for $2000 towards travel expenses and a certificate. The recipient will present the abstract at the annual KOSRO meeting in Seoul, Korea on October 16 and 17, 2014 and submit a short essay on his/her visit to KOSRO. This essay will be posted on Korean ASTRO facebook page and KOSTROgram. If the recipient would like to spend a few days at one of the radiation centers in Korea, further arrangement may be made.

  • Eligibility for Travel award to KOSRO: Same as the travel award to ASTRO and KASTRO except that junior faculty members who completed residency or fellowship programs after 6/30/2011 and did the work as a faculty member are also eligible.


We ask you to please support KASTRO by paying your annual dues membership for 2014. Remember that the KASTRO dinner meeting is no longer sponsored by Varian and HDX (Korean counterpart of Varian) due to government regulations, so the financial viability of the KASTRO organization rests almost entirely on the support of its members. Your membership dues will not only be used to pay for your KASTRO dinner, but will also sponsor a resident physician to attend the KASTRO dinner program. KASTRO is able to not charge residents a membership fee due to the generosity of its members.   Even if you are not attending KASTRO this year, we ask you to please pay your annual dues for the good of the organization at large. The dues amounts are as follows:

                        Board Members                                  $200
                        Practicing members                            $100
                        Residents                                            free

Please send checks made payable KASTRO and send to our KASTRO treasurer:

Alternatively, we will have a credit card swiper available at the annual KASTRO meeting at ASTRO, so you can also pay at the door prior to the KASTRO dinner.  

New job openings

One function that would be great for our members (and especially for the residents) is if we could incorporate networking for our members. So if you have a prospective job opening in the near future or would like to network with some of the current residents or anyone looking to change positions, email me and I’ll post in the next newsletter, prior to this year’s ASTRO 2014.    


Please spread the word about KASTRO and the annual dinner among your friends and acquaintances. If anyone wants to join, just send them our information and I’ll add to the roster. If you don’t want to be included in the newsletter or the KASTRO roster, just email me and we’ll take you off.

Also remember that Korean ASTRO is on Facebook! Look up Korean ASTRO and ask to join. Korean ASTRO is a closed group due to the fact that email addresses are shared. You can find updated information about the KASTRO meeting, or just look at pictures of many of our members so you know some of their names this year at the dinner.  

KASTRO Leadership

President                                 Thomas Chung, MD
President Elect                        Sung Kim, MD
Secretary                                Sara Kim, MD
Treasurer                                 Julia Oh, MD
Chairman of the Board           John Suh, MD 

Board of Directors:

Chuck Chulyoung Cho, MD
Noah Choi, MD
Chung-Taik Chung, MD
Chul S. Ha, M.D.
Seung Shin Hahn, MD
Robert Y. Kim, MD
Yong Chan Ahn, MD, Ph.D. (ex-officio member) 

Executive Committee:

John Suh, MD
Thomas Chung, MD
Sara Kim, MD
Julia Oh, MD
Warren Suh, MD (program committee chair)
Samuel Ryu, MD (by-laws committee chair)
Song Kang, MD (nominating committee chair)
Sung Kim, MD (President Elect, membership committee chair) 


Thomas Chung & Sung Kim