May 2018 Newsletter

Dear KASTRO members,

This past year has seen a significant transition and growth for KASTRO.   With 501c nonprofit status, KASTRO was able to raise over $17,000 in total donation for 2017, our best year yet.   We increased resident and non-resident membership, continued our support of resident education with 2 travel grants and held our 2017 KASTRO meeting at the nicest venue yet in Parq restaurant in San Diego (find pictures on our Facebook page).  We have added 2 new board members (Drs Isabelle Kim and Dan Kim) and named a new president, Dr Sara Kim.   We retired 2 board members, Drs Sung Kim and Nathan Kim, who has contributed so much to KASTRO society for many years.  

KASTRO stands at a pivotal point.  With your help, KASTRO can continue to grow to be a formidable voice within ASTRO and international radiation oncology community.  We will also continue our drive for corporate and member sponsorship to create more educational programs, grants, as well as to foster cooperation with KOSRO members.  The future of KASTRO is very bright.   Thank you for all your support and hard work. 

We are updating the membership directory. PLEASE FILL OUT KASTRO CENSUS FORM: 


Call for Abstracts

We offer 2 travel grants in 2018: KOSRO meeting (held in Seoul, Korea) and KASTRO meeting (San Antonio, Tx), both held in October of 2018.

I would like to invite submissions of abstracts for KASTRO's annual US resident/fellow/junior attending travel award to Seoul, Korea for the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (KOSRO) KOSRO's website is

  • The travel award to the KOSRO meeting will be for $2,000 towards travel expenses and a certificate. The recipient will present the abstract at the annual KOSRO meeting in Seoul, Korea and submit a short essay and facebook post at Koreanastro page detailing their experience on his/her visit to KOSRO. This essay will be posted on Korean ASTRO facebook page and KOSTROgram. If the recipient would like to spend a few days at one of the radiation centers in Korea, further arrangement may be made.

  • Eligibility for Travel award to KOSTRO:

In addition, I would like to invite submissions of abstracts for KASTRO’s annual US resident/fellow/junior attending travel award to ASTRO/KASTRO 2018. 

  • The travel award to the ASTRO 2018 meeting will be $1,000 towards travel expenses and a certificate. The recipient will present the abstract at the KASTRO dinner meeting on Tues evening of ASTRO week.

  • Eligibility for Travel award to ASTRO and KASTRO:

A resident or fellow of Korean ancestry currently in a radiation oncology training program in the U.S.A. are eligible.  If the abstract has been accepted for presentation (oral or poster) at this year’s ASTRO or RSNA meeting and the applicant should be the first author.

Please contact the Secretary Isabelle Choi, MD with your abstracts by end of July 2018.  


President Sara Kim, MD
Secretary Isabelle Choi, MD  
Treasurer Daniel Kim, MD  

Membership Yong Cha MD, PhD

****Huge Thank you to outgoing Drs Sung Kim (past president) and Nathan Kim (Past treasurer) for years of service for KASTRO as Board members.  They will now be enshrined as Executive Committee Members (don’t worry they are still alive and doing well) ****

Call for Membership Fee and Membership Drive from Daniel Kim (New Treasurer)

 This past year has been a year of tremendous growth for our organization.  KASTRO is now an officially registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which opens up many more opportunities for us. This is due in no small part to the hard work of the KASTRO officers and board members.  We have also seen increasing involvement by our resident physician members who have started up a virtual journal club through our Facebook page.  None of this could be possible without your support over the past year and we hope to be able to count on your continued participation as we look forward to this year. 

Although we have had some success in recruiting corporate sponsors, KASTRO still depends on member support to further our educational mission and serve the community of Korean-American radiation oncologists.  Your membership dues help pay for the annual dinner meeting as well as fund travel grants for resident physicians to attend the meeting.  I want to invite you to continue your participation and support KASTRO by paying your annual dues.  As always, radiation oncology residents are granted free KASTRO membership and your generous support helps continue to foster our relationship with the next generation of Korean-American radiation oncologists.  Also, please let us know if you currently have, or know of any potential job openings for graduating residents.

Even if you do not plan on attending KASTRO this year, I encourage you to pay your annual dues for the good of the organization at large.  The KASTRO annual dinner meeting will be on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 at 6pm. Location will be announced in the coming months.

You will have the option to pay your annual dues at the KASTRO dinner as well.

Resident: free
Members: $125
Board Members and Executive Committee Members: $200 

If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please provide a return mailing address.  Please email Dr Dan Kim for any questions


KOSRO and KASTRO Dinner Meeting 2017 (please find pictures on our Facebook)

Please find the pictures from 2017 KOSRO Seoul meeting at our facebook page.   KOSRO does a great job in hosting KASTRO members! If any of the KASTRO members are attending 2018 KOSRO meeting in Seoul, please let us know!

New job openings

If anyone has job openings they would like to send out to the KASTRO membership, please email Yong Cha.  


Please spread the word about KASTRO and the annual dinner among your friends and acquaintances. If anyone wants to join, just send them to my email or request on our facebook page.

Resident Journal Club.

Stella Yoo and Anna Lee, our resident representatives from USC and SUNY Downstate, have done a great job at hosting journal club on facebook.  If you would like to add any new articles please contact Stella and Anna on our facebook page.  

KASTRO Finance  2017

Great news!  Our best year yet!

KASTRO Leadership

President Sara Kim, MD  
Secretary Isabelle Choi, MD  
Treasurer Daniel Kim, MD, PhD  
Membership Yong Cha MD, PhD

Board of Directors:

Chuck Chulyoung Cho, MD
Noah Choi, MD
Chung-Taik Chung, MD
Chul S. Ha, M.D.
Seung Shin Hahn, MD
Robert Y. Kim, MD
Yong Chan Ahn, MD, Ph.D. (ex-officio member) 

Executive Committee:
John Suh, MD
Nathan Kim, MD, Phd
Thomas Chung, MD
Sara Kim, MD
Julia Oh, MD
Warren Suh, MD (program committee chair)
Samuel Ryu, MD (by-laws committee chair)
Song Kang, MD (nominating committee chair)
Sung Kim, MD